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Student Loans

Learn more about how student loans work & best practices for managing them, see our top picks for new student loans & student loan refinancing, and find reviews of the top lenders in the industry.

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Types of student loans

The federal government, state agencies, and private lenders offer student loans. These loans can be made for specific borrowers (undergraduates vs. graduates) or for particular uses (attending school vs. refinancing). With so many options available, it’s essential to focus your comparison on lenders that offer the loan you’re looking for.

Student loan uses

Most student loans are disbursed to your school, which then send leftover funds to you. Use this extra money to pay for other education expenses.

Student loan reviews

If you’re considering several companies for your student loan needs, giving each a proper review before deciding which to apply with is essential. Check out our reviews to see which company offers what you need.

All-in-one guides

The following resources are excellent choices for comprehensive guides to specific topics.

Student loan data, statistics, and calculators

Because the student loan industry has changed in recent years, it’s critical to stay informed about general trends and statistics. This information can help you make informed decisions and better manage your student loans.

Latest on student loans:

Student Loan Forgiveness for Nurses

There are many options available for nurses who have outstanding educational loans, including student loan forgiveness. Many forgiveness programs are federal-based options, but...

Student Loan Underwriting: How It Works

Underwriting a student loan is a little different than other types of debt. With private loans, you still need to go through an...

Federal Student Loan Repayment Plans

College graduates looking to pay off their federal student loans have a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to...

When to Consolidate Private and Federal Student Loans

You may wonder whether you can consolidate private and federal student loans. We share our...

Report: 2018’s CFPB Student Loan Complaints

Throughout 2018, consumers submitted nearly 10,000 student loan-related complaints to the CFPB. LendEDU analyzed these...

Federal Direct Consolidation Loan

If you currently have multiple federal student loans and want to simplify repayment, you may be eligible for the Federal Direct Consolidation Loan....

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Review

Keeping track of your federal student aid can be difficult, but the NSLDS aims to...

Perkins Loan Explained

The Federal Perkins Loan program allowed schools to make loans to students at a relatively low interest rate. These low-interest loans were made...

Summer Student Loan Tool Review

The Summer Student Loan Tool is a new offering that seeks to help graduates manage their student loan balances. While not much is...

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Guide

If you’re struggling with student loan debt and you work in the public service sector, you might be able to get on a...