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Student Loans

Learn more about how student loans work & best practices for managing them, see our top picks for new student loans & student loan refinancing, and find reviews of the top lenders in the industry.

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Federal Student LoansStudent Loan Repayment

Types of student loans

The federal government, state agencies, and private lenders offer student loans to cover education costs. These loans can be made for specific borrowers to accommodate unique financing needs. With so many types of student loans available, it’s essential to focus on lenders that offer the loan you need.

Student loan uses

Most student loans are disbursed to your school, which then send leftover funds to you. Use this extra money to pay for other education expenses.

Student loan reviews

If you’re considering several companies for your student loan needs, giving each a proper review before deciding which to apply with is essential. Check out our reviews to see which company offers what you need.

All-in-one guides

The following resources are excellent choices for comprehensive guides to specific topics.

Student loan data, statistics, and calculators

Because the student loan industry has changed in recent years, it’s critical to stay informed about general trends and statistics. This information can help you make informed decisions and better manage your student loans.

Latest on student loans:

6 Surprising Ways Your Student Loans Can Shape Your Credit Score

Do student loans affect your credit score? They could. Find out how student loans affect...

Student Loan Calculators

In most cases, you won't find one student loan calculator that can answer all your questions. That's why we created seven student loan...

How Does Student Loan Interest Work? Understanding Calculation, Accrual, and How to Minimize Costs

Student loan interest rates affect how long it takes to pay back your loans, so...

How to Pay for a Ph.D.

To pay for a Ph.D., exhaust options for free money, including scholarships and grants, first. Your school can help you find them. Then...

Mohela Federal Student Loan Servicer: Features, Discounts, and Our Recommendations

If you have federal student loans, you may be assigned Mohela as your student loan...

How to Know if You Qualify for Student Loan Cancellation

Federal student loan cancellation exists, but it can be hard to understand the options. This...

How Student Loans Affect Your Taxes

You can deduct up to $2,500 in interest paid on qualifying student loans each year when you file your taxes. There are also...

Employer Student Loan Repayment Benefits

Many employers offer student loan repayment assistance. When employers provide this assistance, their contributions are generally taxable. These contributions can be helpful, but...

Student Loan Repayment: Best Plans & Other Resources

Federal student loan repayment programs offer the most options, but there are possibilities for private...

Should I Refinance My Student Loans? How to Decide

If you are eligible for a lower interest rate than what you are currently paying...