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Student Loans

Learn more about how student loans work & best practices for managing them, see our top picks for new student loans & student loan refinancing, and find reviews of the top lenders in the industry.

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Types of student loans

The federal government, state agencies, and private lenders offer student loans to cover education costs. These loans can be made for specific borrowers to accommodate unique financing needs. With so many types of student loans available, it’s essential to focus on lenders that offer the loan you need.

Student loan uses

Most student loans are disbursed to your school, which then send leftover funds to you. Use this extra money to pay for other education expenses.

Student loan reviews

If you’re considering several companies for your student loan needs, giving each a proper review before deciding which to apply with is essential. Check out our reviews to see which company offers what you need.

All-in-one guides

The following resources are excellent choices for comprehensive guides to specific topics.

Student loan data, statistics, and calculators

Because the student loan industry has changed in recent years, it’s critical to stay informed about general trends and statistics. This information can help you make informed decisions and better manage your student loans.

Latest on student loans:

Student Loan Consolidation vs. Refinancing: What’s the Difference?

Consolidation is the process of combining student loans into one loan. It can be done...

Federal Direct PLUS Loans Guide

If regular financial aid isn’t enough, you have one more option: The Direct PLUS loan. This loan can help bridge the gap between...

Who is Paying For College? It Might Depend On Race or Institution

With over 13,000 answers from current college students, LendEDU analyzed how much responsibility students bear...

Firstmark Student Loans Review

Firstmark Services is a company based in Nebraska that specializes in servicing private student loans. Firstmark has been part of the student loans...

Top Colleges & Universities For Federal Work-Study Financial Aid

According to the most recent data compiled by LendEDU, the average cost for attending a...

36 Weird Scholarships

If you think scholarships are just for outstanding athletes and brilliant students with a 4.0 GPA, you could be missing out on thousands of...

Which Student Loans to Pay Off First

Knowing which student loan to pay off first is crucial. The right one can save you thousands in interest over the long term.

Student Loan Alternatives

Paying for college leaves millions with student loan debt. Explore these alternatives to student loans that you may not need to repay.

Statute of Limitations on Student Loans

The statute of limitations on student loans defines how long a lender has to sue you for unpaid debt if you default on...

Student Loan Disbursement

Student loan disbursement ensures that your school receives the funds needed to pay your costs of attendance. How long disbursement takes can depend...