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Insurance Renters Insurance

Renters Insurance for Pit Bulls

If you rent an apartment or home, renters insurance is essential for protecting yourself and your belongings. One critical aspect of this protection is liability coverage, which helps if someone gets injured on your property and decides to sue you.

However, owning a dog, especially certain breeds, can affect your renters insurance rates. Many insurers may increase premiums or even refuse coverage due to the misconception that pit bulls are more likely to cause injury. So finding an insurer willing to provide renters insurance for pit bulls is crucial. Here are three to consider.

CompanyA.M. Best rating
State FarmA++

Best renters insurance for pit bull owners

It’s important to compare all options to get the best possible deal. Consider these companies if you own a pit bull and are looking for renters insurance.

State Farm

  • Online application
  • A++ (Superior) A.M. Best rating

Why it’s one of the best

State Farm is a well-regarded insurer offering a variety of policies, including renters insurance. One significant advantage for pit bull owners is that State Farm does not discriminate based on dog breed. Its application process only inquires whether you own a dog, without specifying the breed.

There are no breed restrictions, and you won’t face increased premiums for owning a pit bull. This inclusive approach makes State Farm an excellent choice for renters with pit bulls, allowing you to bundle your renters insurance with other policies for added convenience and potential discounts.


  • Online application
  • A+ (Superior) A.M. Best rating

Why it’s one of the best

Nationwide is a comprehensive insurance provider that offers various types of coverage, including renters insurance. Nationwide provides coverage for dog owners but may require additional coverage for certain breeds.

You can obtain Nationwide renters insurance as a pit bull owner, but you might need to purchase extra liability coverage to ensure your pet is fully covered. This additional requirement can offer peace of mind knowing you and your pit bull are protected.


  • Online application
  • A+ (Superior) A.M. Best rating

Why it’s one of the best

Progressive is another major insurer that accommodates pit bull owners with renters insurance. However, it’s important to note that this coverage can come at a higher cost. Pit bull owners with Progressive may pay up to $400 more annually compared to owners of other dog breeds.

Despite the higher premiums, Progressive still offers the necessary coverage to protect you and your pit bull, ensuring you have comprehensive protection. This makes Progressive a viable option, albeit pricier, for those who prioritize having insurance covering their beloved pets.

Does renters insurance cover pit bulls?

Renters insurance typically provides liability protection if someone gets injured on your property. If the injured person decides to hold you responsible—by suing you, for instance—your policy can help cover the associated costs.

However, some dog breeds, such as pit bulls, are perceived to have a higher likelihood of causing injury. As a result, some insurers blacklist these breeds and refuse to insure individuals who own them. Others may insure pit bull owners but increase the premiums they charge.

Many insurers refuse these breeds:

  • Pit bull
  • Rottweiler
  • German shepherd
  • Akita
  • Staffordshire terrier
  • Great Dane
  • Chow chow
  • Alaskan malamute
  • Siberian husky

How having a pit bull affects your renters insurance costs

If you own a pit bull, you’ll generally pay higher premiums for renters insurance compared to someone without a pit bull. Your options for insurers will likely be more limited, making it more challenging to shop around for competitive rates.

The average cost of a dog bite claim is around $32,000, leading insurers to minimize their risk by charging higher premiums for breeds they consider high-risk.

For example, a standard renters insurance policy might cost $256 annually. However, if you own a pit bull, the same policy—based on quotes from Progressive—could cost as much as $656 per year. Insurers might also impose limits on the coverage available to pit bull owners.

Alternatives to renters insurance for pit bull liability insurance

If you encounter difficulties obtaining liability coverage for your pit bull through standard renters insurance, consider these alternatives:

Umbrella policy

Umbrella insurance extends the coverage limits of your current policies, providing additional liability protection. For instance, if your auto insurance has a $50,000 liability limit, and you face a $200,000 lawsuit, umbrella insurance can cover the excess amount. This type of policy can offer extra protection if your dog causes injuries exceeding your standard insurance coverage.

Canine liability insurance

Canine liability insurance is designed for dog owners, covering injuries and property damage caused by their pets. It’s crucial to read the fine print; some policies may only apply when you are outside your home with your dog. If the incident occurs on your property, you may need to coordinate with your renters insurance for coverage.

You can explore our recommendations for the best renters insurance for more options.

Recap of renters insurance that covers pit bulls

CompanyA.M. Best rating
State FarmA++