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Student Loan Repayment

Latest on student loan repayment:

What Is Economic Hardship Deferment?

We lay out everything you need to know about deferring your student loan payments and offer a list of private lenders that allow...

Can You Refinance Student Loans If You’re Self-Employed?

Although you might need to prove your income in different ways, self-employed individuals have options...

How Does Work?

Brendon McQueen, the founder of, had a big problem. After graduating from Columbia University he found himself having to manage 12 different student...

Student Loans and Divorce: What Happens to the Debt?

Divorcing while you have student loans can be difficult to manage, and the outcomes vary...

Can You Change Student Loan Repayment Plans?

Student loans can last for years, but your monthly payment may not always be the right fit. Here’s how and when you can...

What Happens to Student Loans When You Die?

Student loans may be discharged or forgiven when you pass away but there are some differences in the way federal and private loans...

Military Student Loan Forgiveness: A Complete Guide

Military student loan forgiveness has been a hot topic in the media recently and rightly...

Teacher Student Loan Forgiveness: A Complete Guide

Stagnant wages and increasing student loan debt are squeezing today’s teachers. The average new teacher...