Dave Rathmanner Profile Photo

Dave Rathmanner

Dave Rathmanner has researched and developed content on a variety of finance topics, such as student loans, personal loans, credit cards, and small business loans. Dave’s work has been featured by outlets including the Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg, Forbes, CNBC, U.S. News, Consumer Reports, Yahoo Finance, and NPR.

About Dave Rathmanner

Current Role

Founder and CEO, Upper 9 Media


  • Student Loans
  • Personal Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Small Business Loans
  • Consumer Personal Finance Habits


  • Bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Delaware

Personal Finance Experience

Dave has researched, planned, and developed content around hundreds of personal finance topics ranging from student loans to small business loans to credit cards as the former vice president of content at LendEDU.

Aside from articles aimed at helping consumers make better financial decisions, Dave has published many in-depth, data-driven studies designed to gain insight into consumer spending habits and money management to figure out where consumers succeeding and struggling with their money, which colleges provide the best value for students, and much more.

Dave's studies have been featured in a number of national outlets, such as Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg, Forbes, CNBC, U.S. News, International Business Times, Consumer Reports, VICE, Yahoo Finance, and NPR.

Latest from Dave Rathmanner

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Student Loan Forgiveness for Nurses

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Summer Student Loan Tool Review

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Relationships & Personal Finance – Survey & Report

Do you fight about your finances with your significant other? If so, you might not...

Parents and Student Debt Survey 2017

Financial aid and student debt is a confusing topic for most Americans. The jargon can be difficult with words like forbearance and acronyms...