General personal finance
Before you get into specific financial topics, understanding the fundamentals is crucial.
Banking accounts allow you to store your money and transfer funds to other accounts or individuals as you need.
Investing means committing your money with the expectation you’ll earn a benefit, such as a profit. You have many investment options.
Debt is money you owe to another party. It isn’t always negative, but debt can become an issue without a repayment strategy in place.
Latest on personal finance:
6 Strategies to Stop a Bank Levy
If you owe debt and don’t pay it, the balance goes to collections. The lender can then seek a court order to withdraw...
6 Gold IRA Scams to Avoid
Many investors are turning to gold to safeguard against inflation and financial uncertainty. Inflation hit a 40-year high in 2022, and as interest...
How to Stop (or Release) a Tax Levy
If you are past due on income taxes, the federal or state government may issue a tax lien on your property and other...
What Is the IRS Failure to File Penalty?
If you owe money and don’t file your tax return by the April deadline, the IRS may charge what’s called a failure to...
What Is a Gold-Backed IRA?
A gold-backed individual retirement account (IRA) allows workers to invest in gold or other precious metals. Often simply called a gold IRA, anyone...
How to Store Your Gold Investment
Purchasing physical gold is a popular way to diversify investments and protect wealth in the event of inflation or an economic crisis. However,...
Tax Liability Explained: A Complete Guide to What You Owe and Why
Tax liability is the total amount of tax you owe to the federal, state, or...
How to Find a Tax Attorney to Help With Tax Debt
Tax debt is a serious issue, and the role of a tax attorney extends beyond...
Do Tax Relief Companies Really Work?
Tax debt can be overwhelming, but tax relief companies might offer a solution. These companies work with taxing authorities to help individuals resolve...
Ideal Tax Review
Ideal Tax was founded in 2010 to help its clients resolve tax debt issues. It offers solutions for a variety of tax problems, including unfiled...