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Accurate as of Oct 24th 2024

4 Best Tax Relief Companies (October 2024)

Our picks for the best tax relief firms can work with the IRS on your behalf to resolve or restructure tax debts.

Ratings by our
  • Jeff Gitlen, CEPF®
editorial team

400 data points reviewed

403,080+ visitors used LendEDU in the last month

Best Overall (Editor's Choice)

  • $15,000+ in tax debt
  • Affordable $500 Investigation Fee to check eligibility on IRS tax reduction programs
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t save money or have your payments reworked
  • 100+ years of combined experience in Tax Debt Relief, Tax Preparation and Tax Law
  • Specializes in federal and state tax issues
  • A+ (BBB Rating) / Excellent (Trustpilot Clients)
4.9 /5
  • $15,000+ in tax debt
  • Affordable $500 Investigation Fee to check eligibility on IRS tax reduction programs
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t save money or have your payments reworked
  • 100+ years of combined experience in Tax Debt Relief, Tax Preparation and Tax Law
  • Specializes in federal and state tax issues
  • A+ (BBB Rating) / Excellent (Trustpilot Clients)
  • Best for Large Balances

    • $0 initial investigation of your situation
    • 18,000+ satisfied customers over 16 years of business
    • Federally licensed Enrolled Agents assigned to your case
    • 100% money-back guarantee in the first 15 days
    • A+ (BBB Rating) / Excellent (Trustpilot Clients)
    4.7 /5
  • $0 initial investigation of your situation
  • 18,000+ satisfied customers over 16 years of business
  • Federally licensed Enrolled Agents assigned to your case
  • 100% money-back guarantee in the first 15 days
  • A+ (BBB Rating) / Excellent (Trustpilot Clients)
  • Best for Small Balances

    • 100% money back guarantee if clients are not satisfied with the customer service1
    • Has helped clients save as much as 98% on their tax bill
    • Lowest price guarantee with financing options available
    • Operates in all 50 states and Puerto Rico
    • Specializes in federal taxes
    • A+ (BBB Rating)
    4.3 /5
  • 100% money back guarantee if clients are not satisfied with the customer service1
  • Has helped clients save as much as 98% on their tax bill
  • Lowest price guarantee with financing options available
  • Operates in all 50 states and Puerto Rico
  • Specializes in federal taxes
  • A+ (BBB Rating)
  • Excellent Discovery Services

    • 15-day 100% money-back guarantee
    • 22+ years in service
    • Federally licensed enrolled agents lead your casework
    • A+ (BBB Rating), Excellent (Trustpilot)
    4.7 /5
  • 15-day 100% money-back guarantee
  • 22+ years in service
  • Federally licensed enrolled agents lead your casework
  • A+ (BBB Rating), Excellent (Trustpilot)
  • 1Terms and conditions apply

    Reviews of the best tax relief companies

    1) Anthem Tax Services (Best Overall)

    4.9 out of 5 LendEDU Rating

    • 855-936-0319
    • $15,000+ in tax debt
    • Affordable $500 Investigation Fee to determine eligibility for IRS tax reduction programs
    • 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t save money or have your payments reworked
    Anthem Tax Services Customer Reviews

    Anthem Tax Services has excellent ratings from its clients across multiple review platforms. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has assigned the company an A+ rating for its client interaction.

    LendEDU4.9 out of 5
    Trustpilot4.2 out of 5 (243 reviews)
    Better Business Bureau4.6 out of 5 (274 reviews)
    Google4.3 out of 5 (441 reviews)
    Ratings accurate as of September 2024.

    Speak to a representative 855-936-0319

    2) Larson Tax Relief (Best for Large Balances)

    $25,000+ in tax debt

    4.7 out of 5 LendEDU Rating

    • 833-270-3007
    • Offers federal and state tax relief services for individuals and businesses
    • Experienced team of enrolled agents, tax attorneys, and consultants
    • Free consultation and discovery phase
    • 15-day money-back guarantee
    Larson Tax Relief Customer Reviews

    Larson Tax Relief has excellent ratings from its clients across multiple review platforms. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has assigned the company an A+ rating for its client interaction.

    LendEDU4.7 out of 5
    Trustpilot4.8 out of 5 (360 reviews)
    Better Business Bureau4.5 out of 5 (17 reviews)
    Google4.6 out of 5 (199 reviews)
    Ratings accurate as of September 2024

    Speak to a representative 833-270-3007

    3) Alleviate Tax (Best for Small Balances)

    $10,000+ in tax debt

    4.3 out of 5 LendEDU Rating

    • 559-398-0472
    • 100% money back guarantee if clients are not satisfied with the customer service1
    • Lowest price guarantee with financing options available
    • Specializes in federal taxes

    1Terms and conditions apply

    Alleviate Tax Customer Reviews

    Alleviate Tax has solid ratings from its clients. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has assigned the company an A+ rating for its client interaction.

    LendEDU4.3 out of 5
    Trustpilot2.3 out of 5 (10 reviews)
    Better Business Bureau4.6 out of 5 (277 reviews)
    Google4.4 out of 5 (746 reviews)
    Ratings accurate as of September 2024

    Speak to a representative 559-398-0472

    4) BC Tax (Excellent Discovery Services)

    $20,000+ in tax debt

    4.7 out of 5 LendEDU Rating

    • 720-390-4615
    • 15-day 100% money-back guarantee
    • 22+ years in service
    • Federally licensed enrolled agents lead your casework
    BC Tax Customer Reviews

    BC Tax has excellent ratings from its clients. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has assigned the company an A+ rating for its client interaction.

    LendEDU4.7 out of 5
    Trustpilot4.5 out of 5 (32 reviews)
    Better Business Bureau4.8 out of 5 (20 reviews)
    Google4.4 out of 5 (90 reviews)
    Ratings accurate as of September 2024

    Speak to a representative 720-390-4615

    What is Tax Relief?

    Tax relief refers to various programs and initiatives designed to help taxpayers settle or reduce their tax bills and tax-related debts. These are available to both individuals and businesses. However, the programs you’re eligible for will depend on your status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the amount of your tax debt, and other factors.

    How Does Tax Relief Work?

    Working with a tax relief company usually starts with a free consultation. During this initial consultation with the representative, they’ll ask for details about your tax issues and then do a quick analysis of your situation to determine which tax relief service can help you.

    1. Initial consultation: You’ll do an initial free consultation with the company to review your tax issues.
    2. Connecting with the IRS: The company will contact the IRS for your records and analyze your tax problems. 
    3. Proposal: The company will propose a solution and break down the costs of resolving your debts.
    4. Arranging a resolution: Finally, they’ll arrange the resolution, which might include an offer in compromise, an installment agreement, or another alternative.
    What Are Some Common Tax Relief Solutions?

    If you need help paying taxes because you’re behind on your taxes or just looking to reduce your tax burden, there are plenty of options to explore.

    • Fresh Start program: Lets you settle your tax debt for less than you owe
    • Installment agreements: Lets you pay off your tax bills over time
    • Offer in Compromise: Settles your debt for a lesser amount
    • Currently Not Collectible status: This a grace period until your financial situation improves
    • Penalty relief and interest abatement: Pardon from unintentional non-compliance
    • Innocent spouse relief: Releases a spouse from being responsible for a spouse’s tax liability if the IRS determines you’re not at fault or complicit
    • Bankruptcy: If your financial obligations and debts make it overwhelmingly difficult to afford to live
    What Is the IRS Fresh Start Program?

    The program launched in 2011, allowing taxpayers to settle back tax debts while avoiding severe penalties and consequences. Those who qualify should apply, pay the application fee, and then wait to hear from the IRS on the next steps.

    What Happens If I Don’t Repay My Tax Debts?

    Failing to pay your tax bills can have serious consequences. First, it will lead to additional penalties and interest costs, which will only increase your total owed balance over time.

    The IRS can also garnish your wages (taking part of your paycheck every month) or file levies and liens against your property. That could put your car, home, and other assets at risk, and it could hurt your credit significantly. In some cases, you could even have your passport or driver’s license revoked.

    How Much Do Tax Relief Services Cost?

    The costs for tax relief services generally vary based on how much debt you have, what kind of assistance you’re needing, and the complexity of your tax problems.

    ServiceAverage Cost
    Discovery/investigation fee$250 – $750
    Offer in compromise$2,000 – $7,500
    Installment agreements$1,500 – $5,000
    Penalty abatement$250 – $1,000
    Innocent spouse relief$3,500 – $5,000
    Currently not collectible$1,500 – $4,000

    Editor’s Choice: Anthem Tax Services

    Best Overall (Editor's Choice)

    • $15,000+ in tax debt
    • Affordable $500 Investigation Fee to check eligibility on IRS tax reduction programs
    • 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t save money or have your payments reworked
    • 100+ years of combined experience in Tax Debt Relief, Tax Preparation and Tax Law
    • Specializes in federal and state tax issues
    • A+ (BBB Rating) / Excellent (Trustpilot Clients)
    4.9 /5
  • $15,000+ in tax debt
  • Affordable $500 Investigation Fee to check eligibility on IRS tax reduction programs
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you don’t save money or have your payments reworked
  • 100+ years of combined experience in Tax Debt Relief, Tax Preparation and Tax Law
  • Specializes in federal and state tax issues
  • A+ (BBB Rating) / Excellent (Trustpilot Clients)