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Insurance Pet Insurance

Spot vs. Pumpkin: Which is Better?

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Reimbursement 70%, 80%, or 90% 90%
Reimbursement Reimbursement
70%, 80%, or 90% 90%
Benefit limit $2,500, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, $10,000, or unlimited $7,000, $10,000, $15,000, or $20,000
Benefit limit Benefit limit
$2,500, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, $10,000, or unlimited $7,000, $10,000, $15,000, or $20,000
Deductible $100, $250, $500, $750, or $1,000 $100, $250, or $500
Deductible Deductible
$100, $250, $500, $750, or $1,000 $100, $250, or $500

About Spot and Pumpkin

Spot and Pumpkin are leading pet insurance providers, each offering comprehensive coverage options for pet owners. Spot is known for its customizable plans that cover both routine and emergency veterinary care, including wellness plans. Pumpkin emphasizes preventive care and broad coverage, such as vaccinations and routine check-ups.

People consider Spot and Pumpkin for their reliable and flexible insurance solutions. Spot’s customizable plans appeal to those who need tailored coverage, while Pumpkin attracts pet owners focused on preventive care. Both companies aim to provide clear policies and peace of mind for pet owners.

For readers comparing the two, it’s crucial to consider coverage, flexibility, and additional benefits. Spot is ideal for those seeking a variety of options to fit unique needs, whereas Pumpkin suits those prioritizing preventive and routine care. Both aim to ensure pets receive top-notch care without financial strain.

Does Spot or Pumpkin offer better coverage?

Spot and Pumpkin policies are underwritten by the United States Fire Insurance Company. Therefore, you’ll find that the inclusions and exclusions of their policies are nearly identical. Here are some things that are and are not covered by each company.

Alternative therapy
Behavioral issues
Cancer treatment
Chronic conditions
Congenital conditions
Cosmetic procedures
Dental illness
End of life expenses
Exam fees
Experimental treatment
Hereditary conditions
IV fluids and medications
Microchip implementation
MRI, CT scans, or X-rays
Pre-existing conditionsOnly if curableOnly if curable
Prescription food✅*✅*
Prescription medications
Surgery and hospitalization
Tooth extractions

*Only to treat covered conditions.

Are policies from Spot or Pumpkin more affordable?

Through each company’s free online quote tool, we received several quotes to compare the cost of different policies. When policy details are the same, the cost of coverage is identical between the two companies. The only difference is that Spot offers a broader selection of terms and an accident-only plan that can lead to cheaper policies.

Here are the monthly prices for several quotes we requested.

Quote one: An eight-week old male Labradoodle in New Jersey

The policy details for the following quote included a $10,000 annual benefit limit, $500 annual deductible, and 90% reimbursement rate.

Accident & illness$46.95$46.95
Accident-only$32.49Not available
Wellness add-on$9.95 or $24.95$18.95

Quote two: A two-year old male Golden Retriever in New Jersey

The policy details for the following quote included a $10,000 annual benefit limit, $250 annual deductible, and 80% reimbursement rate. Note: Pumpkin only offers a 90% reimbursement rate, so a quote could not be given for this type of policy.

Accident & illness$77.26Not available
Accident-only$36.73Not available
Wellness add-on$9.95 or $24.95Not available

Quote three: A four-year old female Persian in North Carolina

The policy details for the following quote included a $7,000 annual benefit limit, $500 annual deductible, and 90% reimbursement rate.

Accident & illness$35.02$35.02
Acident-only$14.67Not available
Wellness add-on$9.95 or $24.95$18.95

Quote four: A one-year old female Persian in North Carolina

The policy details for the following quote included a $7,000 annual benefit limit, $500 annual deductible, and 70% reimbursement rate. Note: Pumpkin only offers a 90% reimbursement rate, so a quote could not be given for this type of policy.

Accident & illness$22.92Not available
Accident-only$11.21Not available
Wellness add-on$9.95 or $24.95Not available

Scenarios in which Spot or Pumpkin are better

With coverage and pricing being so similar, it’s important to compare different scenarios to see which company is better than the other. Here are some scenarios where Spot and Pumpkin differ, to help you determine which is the best for your needs.

If you …Consider
Want to customize your policySpot
Want unlimited coverageSpot
Prioritize wellness plansPumpkin
Want an accident-only policySpot
Frequently travel to CanadaPumpkin

If you want to customize your policy

The ability to customize your policy is common amongst pet insurance companies, but some offer more options than others. With these two companies, Spot is the clear choice for those who want to have the most control over their policy details.

One benefit of having the ability to customize your policy is that you can adjust the deductible, reimbursement rate, or coverage limit to find a price that fits your budget.


If you want unlimited coverage

Some pet owners enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that regardless of the cost of care required to treat their pet, they won’t reach a benefit limit that restricts the provider from continuing to reimburse the owner for those costs.

This is where the benefit of having an unlimited cap on your coverage comes in. There are no set limits on the costs of care and you’ll be reimbursed at the same percentage regardless of price.

Spot should be your choice in this scenario as Pumpkin does not offer this option for either dogs or cats.


If a wellness plan is a priority

Spot and Pumpkin each offer wellness plans that can reimburse you for routine care, such as wellness exams, vaccinations, blood and fecal tests, and more. Pumpkin is our choice for those prioritizing a wellness plan because it covers the entire cost of eligible items. Other providers, like Spot, only reimburse you up to a set annual limit.


If you want an accident-only policy

There are two main pet insurance plans commonly offered by providers, an accident and illness policy or an accident-only policy. The primary difference between the two is that an accident-only policy does not cover veterinary care caused by illness, such as cancer, chronic conditions, and genetic conditions.

Accident-only policies are also generally cheaper than accident and illness policies since they cover fewer items.

If you’re interested in considering this type of plan, Spot should be your choice. This is because Pumpkin does not offer an accident-only plan.


If you expect to travel to Canada

For U.S. residents who frequently spend time in Canada with their pets, it’s good to know that Pumpkin allows policyholders to visit any licensed veterinarian, specialist, or emergency clinic in both the United States and Canada. Spot, unfortunately, does not offer coverage in Canada.


How we rated Spot and Pumpkin

LendEDU’s editorial rating system is designed to help readers find companies that offer the best pet insurance. Our system awards higher ratings to companies with affordable solutions, positive customer reviews, and online transparency of benefits and terms.

Spot and Pumpkin were compared to several pet insurance companies, using hundreds of data points from company websites, public disclosures, customer reviews, and direct communication with company representatives. We weighted, scored, and combined each factor to produce a final editorial rating. This rating is expressed on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest possible score. Our take on each company is represented in our ratings and best-for designations, recapped below.

ProductBest forOur rating
SpotBest selection of terms4.5
PumpkinBest for preventive car4.4